Microfilm Creation in Universities from the Perspective of Sub-Culture of College Students
DOI:10.12677/JC.2020.81001,PDF,下载: 590浏览: 1,334科研立项经费支持
作者:尹晓丽:嘉兴学院应用技术学院,浙江 嘉兴
关键词:高校微电影大学生亚文化网络文化Microfilm of UniversityUniversity SubcultureNetwork Culture
Abstract:As an important expression of youth subculture in college students’ group, the online microfilm shot by college students has become a unique landscape of audio-visual art on the Internet. It is the need of the times to study the positive value and negative effect of subculture in the creation of college students’ microfilms from the related aspects of the context, educational background and development trend of the era. We should correctly guide the reasonable transformation of college students’ subculture in the creation of microfilms, so as to promote the effective development of college students’ quality education.
文章引用:尹晓丽. 大学生亚文化视域中的高校微电影创作[J]. 新闻传播科学, 2020, 8(1): 1-4. https://doi.org/10.12677/JC.2020.81001


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